Confident Voices One-Act Project

A Special Message from Confident Voices

As we all now know, COVID-19 has resulted in widespread closures and cancelations in a national effort to minimize the impact of the virus. In order to protect the health and safety of our staff, the amazing young people we serve, and our fellow human beings, SAY has temporarily suspended in-person programming.

As such, the One-Act Play Project performances scheduled for April 3 & 4 are POSTPONED. That’s postponed and NOT CANCELED! Our dedicated Programming Staff is already working on new show dates, so stay tuned for ongoing updates via and our social media platforms.

And never forget, SAY is here! This unprecedented time of uncertainty calls for MORE support, connection, and love, and SAY remains 100% committed to staying present for you. We will not now, nor will we ever stop providing the invaluable programming, encouragement, and friendship that our SAY community relies on.

As always, feel free to contact SAY’s Confident Voices Team with any questions or concerns:

Stay healthy and safe!

Confident Voices One-Act Project

The One-Act Project invites our graduating seniors to write and direct their own original one-act play.  Over four months our teens are guided by writing and directing mentors through a creative journey from a blank page to full onstage production.  Much like the Short Play Project, these plays are fully produced, however, The One-Acts are written by the teens individually. The directing process is completely lead by the writers and the plays are performed by professional actors.  This program is by invitation only.  

Why One-Acts? The one-acts give a longer platform of expression for SAY teens who have grown up in our program.  Directing a play also challenges them to be leaders and effective communicators of their vision as they enter into a new phase of young adulthood.

You may also submit an inquiry or download a brochure.

SAY Confident Voices One-Act Project
SAY Confident Voices One-Act Project
SAY Confident Voices One-Act Project
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