SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young


Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for Speech Therapy, and our Confident Voices After-School & Weekend Program below. For more information about Camp SAY, please visit

Speech Therapy FAQ

What benefits can I expect from SAY’s Speech Therapy program?

Although the benefits that each child receives are largely determined by their individual therapy goals, children and teens can expect to enjoy enhanced confidence, greater independence, increased school participation, and very importantly – the ability to most effectively advocate for themselves. Children and teens that participate in group therapy sessions also develop important new friendships.

What Is SAY’s speech therapy philosophy?

SAY uses a highly individualized and comprehensive approach that considers both the observable features of stuttering but also addresses how stuttering is impacting the child’s whole communication experience.  In viewing stuttering holistically, we believe that we not only should be looking at the physical manifestations of stuttering but also the child’s thoughts, feelings, and reactions to stuttering, the reactions they are receiving in their environment from their peers and community, as well as the impact stuttering is having on their ability to confidently and effectively communicate in a variety of speaking situations.  While your child is our focus, SAY believes that family and community involvement (ex. parents, siblings, teachers, friends, other service providers, etc.) is an essential ingredient to any successful therapy program.  

What are the goals of therapy?

Everyone’s experience in speech therapy is unique and largely determined by their individual therapy goal.  These goals are created during the family’s initial consultation and evaluation and are continuously revisited to adapt to the child’s changing priorities and experiences.  Treatment objectives often center around helping the child to develop healthy attitudes and feelings about speaking, reducing word and situational fears, enhancing their confidence and enjoyment in social and academic settings, increasing school participation, and very importantly – providing them with the knowledge and skills to effectively advocate for themselves.  While each child grows in unique ways during therapy, SAY helps young people who stutter discover that stuttering doesn’t have to define them or hold them back from being effective communicators.

My child has received speech therapy elsewhere. Will this be any different?

It shouldn’t be! However, unfortunately, sometimes it is.  Research has shown that many speech therapists unfortunately lack the basic knowledge and skills in assessing and treating stuttering. To ensure that your child is receiving the best treatment, SAY’s speech therapists can work with your child and family to determine if the therapy that they are receiving is a good fit for their specific needs.  Our clinicians are happy to collaborate with your child’s current speech therapist to create a strong team and provide support where it is needed.  

Who will be providing the therapy?

SAY: Speech consists of certified speech therapists who have demonstrated advanced knowledge, experience, and passion for working with children and teens who stutter.  SAY: Speech staff operate under the direction of Brooke Leiman Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-SCF, a board-certified specialist in stuttering who has years of experience directing a stuttering clinic and volunteering in the stuttering support community. Brooke joined SAY in 2022 with a passion for empowering children and teens to be confident, effective communicators – a vision she shared with the organization. Brooke has dedicated her career to immersing herself in learning more about stuttering, both by staying up to date with evidence-based practice and, more importantly, by learning from her clients and those in the stuttering support community. Brooke understands the importance of sharing knowledge about stuttering with the key people in a child’s life.  She has provided information and support to parents and teachers, as well as, continuing education and mentorship to fellow speech-language pathologists who want to learn more about stuttering and stuttering therapy.

Where are the sessions located?

Currently, SAY: Speech is offering teletherapy sessions for children and teens who stutter in NY, DC, and MD.  If you live outside of these 3 states, please let us know and we will be happy to set up a consultation to discuss your options and to try and make referrals to specialists that are licensed in your state.

How long is each session?

The duration of sessions varies depending on the individual but will typically be scheduled from 30-60 minutes in length.

Speech therapy can get expensive. Do you have financial aid?

SAY is committed to providing the highest level of speech therapy at an affordable price. SAY wants to ensure that every child has the opportunity to receive speech therapy by a stuttering specialist, regardless of financial status, so we offer sliding scale rates.

Do you accept health insurance?

SAY does not accept health insurance.  However, we provide monthly “superbills” upon request.  Superbills are forms that families can submit to see if they qualify for reimbursement from their out-of-network benefits through their health plan. SAY also offers need-based financial aid.

For more information or if you have added questions? Please contact Brooke Leiman Edwards MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-SCF at 646.403.3519 or, who will answer any questions you may have and schedule a consultation if desired.

Confident Voices After-School & Weekend Program FAQ

What benefits can I expect my child to receive from SAY’s Confident Voices After-School & Weekend program?

Children and teens receive so many important benefits from our After-School & Weekend program, including enhanced confidence, new friendships, greater independence, increased school participation, and very importantly, young people learn how to most effectively advocate for themselves!

Is there a fee to enroll in SAY’s Confident Voices After-School & Weekend Program?

NO. Each of our After-School & Weekend programs is offered FREE of charge.

My child is not interested in performing.  Do they have to participate in the final presentation?

Each child or teen decides the level at which they wish to participate in all aspects of our programming. Some children want to appear on center stage, while others may opt for an important behind-the-scenes role – with each choice being meaningful and empowering.

Do many children return to the Confident Voices program?

The benefits that children and teens receive from our Confident Voices After-School & Weekend program are so profound that 80% choose to enroll for another season. Many children remain in the SAY After-School & Weekend program until they turn 18, and then continue to be a part of the SAY “family” as program mentors.

What types of resources are provided for the parents of Confident Voices After-School & Weekend program participants?

When your child joins the After-School & Weekend program you will be welcomed into a dynamic community of parents. We offer a monthly parent education series designed to forge strong relationships among families so you may access and share information about a broad range of topics. Our parent community is a powerful support system and a safe place for families to learn more about stuttering and how best to support their children.

How do I learn about Confident Voices program dates?

Click here for dates and information about SAY’s Confident Voices program sessions.


What are the ages of children in the Confident Voices After-School & Weekend Program?

SAY’s Confident Voices welcomes young people who stutter, ages 8-18. Participants are teamed-up with peers in their own age groups. Confident Voices programming also incorporates an important mentoring component with teens working with younger children to help them build confidence and communication skills.

How do I enroll my child in the Confident Voices After-School & Weekend program?

You can begin the enrollment process online by clicking here. For more details or to ask additional questions, please contact our Confident Voices team:

Can SAY present at my child’s school for students and/or teachers?

Absolutely. SAY is committed to educating schools and communities about stuttering and we offer a variety of options tailored for each type of audience.

Do you have additional questions or want more information about SAY Programs?

Please submit an inquiry or contact Travis Robertson, Vice President of SAY & Director of Camp SAY at or 646.403.3516.

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