SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young


Videos of George Springer, SAY's Spokesperson

2023, 70 million people around the world stutter - including Blue Jays star George Springer. Now living his Major League dreams, he uses his platform to give back to those kids who were once in his position with SAY.

2023, George Springer is an inspiration. Anthony Castrovince takes us inside the story of George Springer's relationship with Mateo.

2021, Super excited to end #ISAD2021 with this message of solidarity and support from our SAY and Camp SAY spokesperson and star MLB outfielder for the Toronto Blue Jays, George Springer!

2021, A beautiful piece sparked by George's touching meeting with young Brandon Kelly at a 2019 game in Anaheim when the Angels played the Houston Astros.

2018, Support the George Springer Kids Fund to send kids to Camp SAY at:

2017, As Jen Lada reports, it is George Spinger's courage, character and fearlessness that have truly made an impact in the lives of those who stutter.

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