So You Stutter…
You don’t have to face your stuttering alone! At SAY, we want to help you say what you want to say, in your own terms and in your own time.
That’s why we’ve created programs and events where you can make lots of new friends (many who also stutter) and learn some seriously amazing skills. We want you to feel confident about how you speak, and feel free to discuss anything and everything that’s on your mind. Maybe…
- You feel like you can’t get your thoughts out, or that people cut you off and don’t let you speak.
- You sometimes feel like no one understands you or your stuttering, or you don’t know anyone else who stutters.
- You feel anxious or upset about stuttering, or are having problems with kids in school or other people in your life.
- You never raise your hand in class, even though you know the answer to the question.
- You spend all day trying to hide your stuttering from everyone because you are afraid of what people might say.
- You sometimes pretend that you are sick so you don’t have to read aloud in class.
- You want to feel better when you speak on the phone, order at a restaurant, think about what career to pursue or have concerns about high school or college.
- You are actually feeling really confident right now with yourself and your stuttering, and you want to keep it going.
If it’s on your mind, SAY programs can help you express yourself – because anything’s possible!
Learn more about our exciting programs, including Summer Camp, After-School & Weekend programs, and Speech Therapy, too!
If you want to join the fun, simply ask your parents to check out this special page for parents.